Browse Pseudomonas fluorescens GW456-L13

Genes (and 2 objects) for nucleotides 1,034,993 to 1,038,993 on scaffold scaffold1/0|quiver|pilon:

500 ntPfGW456L13_925 and are separated by 233 nucleotides and overlap by 348 nucleotides and PfGW456L13_926 are separated by 85 nucleotidesPfGW456L13_926 and PfGW456L13_927 are separated by 59 nucleotides PfGW456L13_925 - Gamma-glutamyl-putrescine synthetase (EC (from data), at 1,035,209 to 1,036,585 _925 frame +1, at 1,036,819 to 1,037,208 frame +1 region with similarity, at 1,036,861 to 1,037,167 region with similarity PfGW456L13_926 - glutamine synthetase family protein, at 1,037,253 to 1,038,611 _926 PfGW456L13_927 - Omega-amino acid--pyruvate aminotransferase (EC, at 1,038,671 to 1,040,035 _927

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